I am sure there are not many people around the world that have not heard of the CoronaVirus.  It has swamped our news channels, papers and social media for the last few months.  Many people have died and our hearts go out to their family and friends who are mourning their loss.  

I have noticed that there are a variety of differing stories in relation to the cause of this virus and the spreading of such.  These stories give us purpose and help our minds to give understanding to the unsettling feeling of ‘having no control’ over our safety, our lives.

As I have watched the world embrace the fear and chaos of this pandemic I have looked within and to divine inspiration for guidance and wisdom.  This is my understanding of the transformation that we are experiencing here in the early months of 2020.

For many of us in our every day lives, we live in our minds, keeping ourselves busy with the constant need to feel good and positive.  Looking always to improve, we focus on our perceived imperfections be they physical, emotional and/or material, etc.  We are our own biggest critic and can push ourselves to ‘do the right thing’ in order to seek approval and validation.  Within this we can tend to disregard our love for ourselves living very much from our mind, our purpose rather than our body.  

Over the past month or so we have experienced a sudden and unquestionable focus on our physicality, raising an awareness that our human body may be fragile and vulnerable, and we, as a collective, have felt a new sense of fear.  Perhaps we are not as indestructible as we thought and in this moment our self-judgments are pushed to one side as we seek to secure confirmation of our physical safety.  Firstly our heart opens for ourselves, we move into a heart space of nurturing the self, we ask ourselves. ’What do I need?’ How can I be safe?’ The body, the life we’ve previously judged and felt lacking is now experiencing self-love and a wrapping of self-compassion.  From there we look to our family and friends, who do we need to keep safe? We look at those around us and recognise how much we love and appreciate them – again there is a releasing of judgement as we nurture and strengthen our hearts, our love growing as we look after each other.

This transformation has occurred from a space of fear, this fear has given purpose to a wondrous opening of the heart. Wonderful! Yet now the as this energy settles we shift into an experience of returning to the mind to reason and create a story or stories to explain why we need to continue to love and nurture ourselves and our loved ones – here the fear can develop, which is something we do not want, so here is where we have the opportunity to heal.  

At this moment we have the opportunity to unwind the fear from our minds, to choose not to absorb the stories and simply acknowledge the scientific facts that, for many of us this virus will be reasonably mild and recoverable.  Yes we may feel rubbish as we would with a cold or flu, yet by staying in that space of nurturing the self of giving and receiving loving support from those close to us we are and will be fine.\

Let us choose to walk in the sunshine and breathe the energised air of Earth.  Watch your favourite movie, read a good book, meditate, do something new.  Take moments to sit or walk in a peaceful environment and let yourself be aware of nature, of the ever busily moving life around you.

Let this time be a ray of sunshine as we redefine who we are as a species on this, our planet Earth and realise that we need to look after and nurture all of Earths creations, all animals, all nature, all life.

Now is a time of transformation and you have chosen to be here at this moment to be a part of it.  Look within and ask ‘what do I want to change in the world?’ then ask “how can I create this change?’ We are a collective and we have the power, with our thoughts to unite and empower a more gentle, kinder world to live in.  Be the change you seek now, for this is our moment.

With love, Caroline

Caroline is an Intuitive Energy Therapy Coach, she has been described as a Master Soul Traveller and has over 20 years experience as a Therapist and Teacher presenting workshops around the world and has taken centre stage at a number of well-being events in London, UK.  Caroline now works from Kent, UK providing online and in person one-to-one sessions.  For more information please visit www.ascendingangels.com 

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