Welcome to Reiki Babies
​Uniquely designed to enhance your natural bond with your baby.

Connecting with your baby in a very special way. Reiki Babies offers a variety of one-to-one sessions and training aimed at supporting you from aiding fertility, throughout your pregnancy and in those early weeks and months once your precious baby has arrived.​
The Reiki Babies sessions are designed to teach Reiki so that you can channel this ancient healing technique to your baby as well as to yourself, the sessions focus on building trust in your own intuition, helpful techniques on using the Reiki energy to settle, relax and nurture baby as well as how you can help you through those early, exhausting weeks and months.
Reiki is a fantastic tool to ease anxieties, release stress and worries and calm the mind. Reiki can boost the immune system, balance hormones and with regular treatments it can truly transform your life.
Benefits are:-
Deeply bonding
Increases intuition
Builds confidence in your natural parenting skills
Relaxing and soothing
Please contact Caroline at caroline@ascendingangels.com to book your Reiki Babies session.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple, practical ‘hands on’ healing technique that anyone can learn and use. It’s safe, non-invasive and can soothe physical aches and pains, lift depression, dissolve stress and bring a lasting sense of peace and relaxation. It stimulates the body’s own healing process, boosting the immune system by going straight to the source of any problem in a completely natural and nourishing way, without the need for diagnosis or interference.
Unborn babies seem to LOVE Reiki and will often follow the practitioner’s hands around during the treatment. Reiki can also ease any physical or emotional tension, like anxiety and tiredness that the mother may be experiencing during the pregnancy. Reiki can help her feel relaxed, more positive, more connected and in touch with her baby.
Fathers too can connect with their baby with Reiki. By giving the Mother a healing treatment they are supporting her with healing energy to relieve her aches, tiredness and anxieties as well as enhancing their bond with each other and their unborn child.
Reiki is a fantastic tool for coping with childbirth. The healing energy can help relieve the discomfort of contractions, helping the Mother to release tension and fear and open her up physically and emotionally and support her in her ability to focus on the birthing process.

Being pregnant, having a baby and becoming a mother is a life-changing experience. Bonding with your baby is not always easy. Your body has experienced massive changes, your hormones are unbalanced and you are coping with sleep deprivation, possibly trying to breast feed your baby and recover from childbirth. If this is your first child you could feel in a state of shock, unsure of your parenting skills and whether you are providing your baby with everything he/she needs.
With a variety of mixed guidance and support you may feel more confused than ever and unsure of what is best for you and your baby.
By connecting with the Reiki energy you will find it easier to pick up on your own intuition, hearing the right, supportive messages and ease yourself and your baby too.
Reiki is a fantastic tool for helping your baby to settle and sleep well; it aids colic, reflux and teething as well as many other ailments and improves your bond with your baby, so you can intuitively know what he needs and when.
We provide guidance, support and empowering healing sessions to help everyone within the family unit with our unique Reiki sessions:-
Fertility Reiki
Prenatal Reiki
Postnatal (womb Healing) Reiki
Reiki for Baby
Our training courses are designed to give you the skills to help benefit you, your baby and your growing family.
Caroline also offers Reiki training sessions so that Dad can support Mum during pregnancy and in labour too. Giving Mums and Dads a Reiki attunement and learning about Reiki as it is a fantastic tool in supporting yourself and your baby, you can lay your hands on your baby to soothe him and give him healing and this can also be done remotely.
These training course are about you, helping you process how you’re doing, feeling supported and easing any worries or anxieties you may be experiencing.
We focus on bonding with your baby, releasing fears and anxieties around childbirth, preparing you and baby for labour and if your birthing partner is also attending the class we explore how you can be supported during labour and those early days following babies arrival too.
These training sessions are in:-
Reiki Training (pre & post natal)
Baby Massage
For mamas, papas and babies we also focus on bonding with your baby, releasing any postnatal anxieties and trauma around baby’s birth and help you to relax into mama/papa hood, sharing tips and mindfulness techniques on supporting yourself, your baby and your family as a whole.
These courses help to increase your trust in your intuition and your connection with your baby. And then of course the BIG BONUS is that you can now give healing energy to yourself!
For new mums it helps bring the hormones back into balance and can help relieve post natal depression too, if your partner joins the course they can then get involved with giving you and the baby healing so it’s helps strengthen the family as a whole.
All of our classes and workshops are available on a one-to-one (or two-to-one for mum and dad) basis. We provide online zoom sessions too, so we can support you wherever you are.
Here is a meditation that I have recorded for you to listen to and share with your friends and family. Within this meditation is a beautiful healing experience.
You can listen to this as often as you wish, enjoy it, share it and I hope it helps make this time with your baby so very special.